The New Palladini Tarot Cards
Today was a stormy windy day, after burning some sage, I asked spirit in reference of the new job I am doing now with the WRC, this is what I saw through the cards:
The Six of Swords, reminded me that I am heading for a place of healing, that I am moving on and out from my pain into new things and ventures with this job while showing me that is the end of a cycle and the beginning of another one with the presence of the Nice of Pentacles.
The Two of Swords , tells me that is time to decide what I want, either the job in Milwaukee or the job in the WRC from which I already decided to keep the job of WRC despite is less pay. Through my decision the Strength card, advice me of having patience and build up strength while in this new beginning. The Fool card confirm the start of a new journey in which I will encounter new challengers.
The Four of Cups, despite that is mostly interpreted as a “Don’t focus in only one thing” meaning. I felt this time is asking to just focus IN ONE THING at the time. I have the tendency to do many things and at the end I finish none. This new beginning or cycle it ask for lots of faith when The Hierophant card makes its entrance through this reading. Faith, because through this new cycle there will be loses and regrets as the card of Five of Cups shows me. However, no need to worries during these times as Angels will be watching over me as The Temperance card, is showing me that it will be a constant balance of feelings through this cycle. The Six of Cups, give a mix feeling that many choices will be given and exhort to choose wisely despite the challengers.
The final card is the Ten of Pentacles, giving me the sense that at the end of this cycle of life, I will enjoy the abundance that I deserve.
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