Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wands: Five Words Comes To Mind

      Many books give different approaches in learning the Tarot, some more dynamic than others and some are just the repetition of other authors. I see the Tarot as a tool of tapping into intuition that is already within you. However, I believe the best way to learn the Tarot, it’s not by what is in the books, but about what you perceive through the art of the cards. I said this, because everything you need to know, it’s already in the card. Taking in consideration the scene, action, body language and color, we can simplify it by five key words, that comes to mind at first sight. Five words that will remind you that card, in any reading.

Using the Rider-Waite Deck, here is my view of the Wands, through the five words outlook: 

Ace of Wands:  Opportunity, changes, responsibility, will, reward

Two of Wands:  Interaction, Ideal, Focus, dwelling, regrets

Three of Wands: Thinking, overwhelmed, leadership,self-reliance, abandonment

Four of Wands:  Celebration, security, encouragement, peace, grounding.

Five of Wands: Conflicts, Egos, provocation, obstacles, arguments.

Six of Wands:  Recognition, pride, loyalty, self-steam, endeavor.

Seven of Wands: Challenges, confrontations, priorities, adaptation, frustrations.

Eight of Wands: Opportunities, unexpected, changes, renovation, quick.

Nine of Wands: Prepared, willing, confusion, paranoia, understanding.

Ten of Wands:  Endurance, abilities, motivation, achievements, change.

Noted that I don’t bring the Court Cards in this five word exercises, since most books in the market, focus in Mayor Arcana and Court Cards and very seldom aim at the Minor Arcana cards. I will continue this exercise with other suits through more blogs, for purpose of self-study. Now, found your 5 key words in your cards :)