In the dream I found myself in a great park with some kind of restaurant in the background. I was wearing a beautiful vintage white wedding dress that was tight to my body silhouette with dropping shoulders sleeves. The dress somehow reminded me of the High Priestess in the Tarot but instead the dress was totally white. I keep working towards this restaurant, I saw few tables covered with white cloths and people started to be seated around them. It felt like I knew these people as I started to hug everyone around this particular table. Suddenly, I saw this couple from which in real life I dislike very much for their negative and hypocrite behavior towards me. I tried to ignored them and as I turn my back on them, when the man tried to grabbed my left arm but instead he left on my sleeve what appears to be 3 marks of black grease from his fingers.
I got upset for the stain, while this older woman told me, no worries I will give you $75 for you to get the stain out from the dress. I kept looking at the marks and heard a voice from the background saying “They are trying something new, be careful with them”. I got startled by the voice, I looked back seeking for the couple but they were gone, right after I found myself on my bed wide awake from this dream.
Trying to find some clues in why I have this dream, I search the internet for spread suitable for dream interpretation. I found a dream spread by Moontoadie. Consist of 6 cards, place in pairs over each other. Instead of using 6 cards, I used 12 cards with the same concept as Moontoadie spread. The first line of cards (1-5) Set the dream theme, second line (6-9) What my subconscious is telling me? and last line (10-12) What action should I take in light of this information?
As I looked at the cards, for certainty the 10 of Pentacles set the theme of the dream in which it was about a wedding, that sense of acquiring happiness and financial security that this card give. The Strength card I always see it with karmic connotations but refereeing to the dream, I gather that in order to get to the road of happiness or financial abundance—patience is a must to have while dealing with daily life. The 9 of Pentacles shows me the end/beginning of a cycle of life—what a way to start life! A wedding, OMG not again! LOL Now the Page of Swords, felts like the person that told me to be careful as they are trying something new while the King of Pentacles, reflect the man that put his grease fingers over my sleeve trying to stop me from going to a certain table.
Now it gets more interesting while looking at the second set of cards, in which is a message of my subconscious. The Fool, reminds me of naïve behavior from my part at times, as well the new sense of a new journey or cycle of life. The 4 of Cups, advise me to focus in one thing at the time instead of worrying on other people’s welfare. The Ace of Pentacles is an indication of new beginnings perhaps new opportunity of work, while the 9 of Rods is showing me to stay guarded while moving on with my life to a better career. Looking at these cards reminds me how worry I felt in the dream when my dress got a grease stain and how apprehended I felt when I saw that couple I don’t like. Obviously, my fears are unfounded and I should focus only on my journey.
What should I do after having all this information? The 6 of Swords, its advised me to walk away from my fears and my constant thoughts of someone be up to something against me or the ones I care for. It’s time to make a decision in reference of what path I need to follow as the 2 of Swords makes its presence. The last card The Star, it makes me to wish for a better life and that I should aim high for what I want to accomplish in life while seeking abundance and happiness.
In the dream the $75 dollars were mentioned while being offered for cleaning the dress. 7+5=12=3 The number 3 is about past present future, this number also represent The High Priestess in the Tarot, symbolizing the subconscious mind. Is the connecting link to the subconscious through which we must pass in order to use our conscious potential—the conscious mind. Number 3 as a temporary vibration is about growth, travel, entertainment and self-expression.
Now, if we take the numbers separately, number 7 is represented by The Lovers cards in which is about agreements, partnerships and marriage. While the number 5 represented by The Hierophant card which is the inner teacher, our intuition. Also take in account that no. 5 is about changes, communication, new interest and travel.
In my dream, its obvious that I wish for better life and new beginnings but to get to manifestation, I need to let go of fears, focus in one thing at the time and aim for high things that will enhance and nourish my soul. Funny thing is that I have this dream the day I registered for college starting this fall in which is a new start into a new career.
Adding all the cards, the result is 555=15/6—According with the book of Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker the numbers 15/6 are represented by The Devils Card. The temporary vibration of this number is about indecision, bondage, freedom, laughter and discernment. It also shows opportunity of progress by radical change in lifestyle.
This dream was a wake up call indeed for which I need to stay guarded and focus in what I want to manifest, after I start college I will see how far this change in lifestyle will take me to my ultimate goal. :)
This dream became indeed a prophetic dream, from which I am glad I acted upon it. Its funny how it developed, the fact that I saw the couple I dislike and how he left 3 fingers of black grease over my white sleeve. About week after my dream, my car came close to emission testing. My friend who is related to the couple I dislike, tried to fix the car but made it worst. He insisted of me allowing to have my car check by his brother (man who left 3 fingers of grease in my dream). I was not happy with the choice but my car needed to be fix in order to have my tag's sticker good for next year. Reluctantly, I left my car in his shop and sure enough he called after worth asking for "$300 dollars" to fix the problem.
When I heard of the $300, the vision of the dream in which he left 3 fingers of grease on me came to mind. I told my friend to tell him that Thank you but I will take my car to another mechanic. The man got upset and that same night I got my car back. In my mind all I think is how 3 fingers of grease turn into $300 dollars. I was upset to say the least, I found another mechanic and embraced myself for a bigger bill. This new mechanic charged me $112.74 and told me that the car got the wrong spark plug and loose hoses and ready to pass inspection. Sure enough the car passed the emission test and when I went to DMV, they charged me $75 for the car sticker (remember, old woman giving me $75 to clean the dress from grease). So far this dream lived up to its development.
Now, the only thing that needs to come to life is the part in which I heard a voice saying that the couple in the dream are up to something new to be careful with them. So far I keep my distance from them and try at all cost to not acknowledge their presence. If another development comes from this dream I will post in this blog.. so stay tune.. more to come.. :)